Special Offer
All Access Pass is $129 only540+ Templates ・ Lifetime Access・ No Conditions
One Plan, All Access

Unlimited Lifetime Access Pass for $129 only

Get instant access to our entire collection with a one-time payment of $129, enjoy not only all current templates but also all upcoming new releases.


500+ Templates & Counting

Get immediate access to all out exclusive web templates at the start, with new designs added every week!

Save Over 95%

Get the All Access Pass—it’s more than just a pass. Instantly unlock all available Templates and save over 95%. Yes, literally!

Premium Features

You will get exactly the same template if you purchase separately. All premium features included with unlimited site use.

Commercial Use

You can use all templates for commercial or personal projects. Edit them as needed, or charge clients for your work.

Lifetime Usage

You have lifetime access to use downloaded templates in your projects or store them on your hard drive.

Future Updates

You will get complimentary upcoming upgrades; Updated files can be downloaded automatically.

Easy to Get Started

Get access to all our templates with easy 3 steps.


Purchase Plan

Complete the purchase through our PayPal partnered secured payment gateway and get instant access.


Access to Templates

Your account will be immediately upgraded to PRO status, and all product prices will display the Free Download option.


Enjoy Unlimited Access

Use the templates as you need. You can use it all for personal or commercial uses, there’s no restriction at all.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get all the templates I am seeing in this website?

Absolutely! That’s the use of this Pro Access. Once you buy the all-access pass, you will instantly gain access to all the templates & future templates displayed on our website.

How many templates will you release each month?

On average, we release 10-15 templates every month. Once a new template is ready to launch, you will get an email from us.

How long will I get access to the templates & components?

Once you buy the all-access pass, you will have lifetime access to every template without any particular restrictions.

Are the templates easy for beginners?

Absolutely, these templates are simple to utilize and designed without writing any code. Even as a novice, you will find no difficulty in using our templates.

Can I use these templates for client’s projects?

Certainly! You’re welcome to use these templates for endless client assignments or any business projects.

How long will I get support?

We provide lifetime support for all our products. Simply reach out to us via the contact page or through our live chat service.

How long will you update the templates?

We will update all our templates to meet the requirements for the lifetime.

How can I claim support for templates?

If you need any help regarding our template or services, you can reach out to us at

WPRise offers high-performance WordPress templates built with Elementor, which can be easily imported with a one-click demo.

© 2024 WPRise Templates. All rights reserved.

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