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trusted users Trusted by 5k+ users

Largest Collection of Elementor Templates for modern websites

Get your website live with our professional WordPress templates, ready-to-use and built with Elementor for speed, optimization, and full customization. Import demos in just one click.

Trusted by:

Free & premium Elementor templates every week.

Used & trusted by 4500+ WordPress users.

Exclusively built & supported by WPRise team.

Quick & Reliable solutions
for modern & smart peoples

Download Template

You will have instant access to the template files after purchase. Simply download them and upload to your site.

One-click Demo Import

The demo import process is genuinely one-click; our custom-built plugin ensures seamless demo importation.

Customize & Go Live

YAY! You're ready to go live. Just customize it with your logo and images, and your website is ready to rock!

No Code Builder: Elementor

Our WordPress templates are powered by Elementor, and it helps you to add or update templates by dragging and dropping, it’s easy and no coding knowledge is required.

With our Elementor-powered templates, you can boost your marketing targets to the next level and stand out in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Ultimate loading speed, straight out the box

When users have to wait, they leave. In fact, research shows that users are more likely to leave a page if it takes more than a few seconds to load. This can result in lost conversions and decreased revenue.

That’s why we prioritize loading speed when building landing pages. We understand the importance of getting your message in front of your audience quickly and efficiently. With our advanced techniques and careful attention to detail, we strive to achieve the fastest loading speeds possible for your templates.

Frequently asked questions

What platform do you use?

We use WordPress and Elementor, an easy-to-use platform for creating and deploying websites quickly and efficiently.

Do I need Elementor Pro to setup the templates?

No, you do not need Elementor Pro to set up our templates. All of our templates are designed to work without Elementor Pro and can be easily customized using the free version of Elementor. However, if you have Elementor Pro, you may have access to additional features and functionality that can enhance your webpage design.

How can I set up the demo after purchase?

Our Elementor templates are incredibly user-friendly to set up, our one click demo importer plugin helps to import the demo very quickly. To begin, ensure you have a clean WordPress installation on your desired domain or subdomain. From there, you can refer to our documentation for guidance on proper installation procedures.

Can I download the file just after the purchase?

Yes, you will receive the purchase code just after the purchase, and you can import the demo using our one-click demo importer plugin. See how it works.

Do you offer refund?

As our product is digital and can be downloaded immediately upon purchase, we cannot offer refunds. We ask that you carefully consider your purchase before making it. However, if you encounter any issues with the product, we are always available to provide support and assistance to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase.


Do you offer hosting services?

Yes we provide hosting services to host your landing page. Please contact us for pricing information.

WPRise offers high-performance WordPress templates built with Elementor, which can be easily imported with a one-click demo.

© 2025 WPRise Templates. All rights reserved.

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